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Product Categories

EECO's 1776 and 1976 thumbwheel switches are the standards of the industry. Both series offer 8, 10, 12 or 16 position binary or decimal codes for every possible application. The 1776 series switch is .500" wide, while the 1976 is .350" wide to save valuable front panel space.

Optional notched terminals allow motherboards be easily attached. The list of available options also includes custom legends, lighting options, double wide message units and fast mount installation hardware.

Many switch models offer diode provision or several optional P.C. board configurations, allowing the switch outputs to be bussed together. The 1776 and 1976 both offer proven reliability at a reasonable price, and are backed by EECO's one year warranty.

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EECO is a leading supplier of digital switches, elastomer keypads, and membrane keypads and assemblies. Major markets for the company’s products include medical equipment, industrial controls, and aircraft entertainment systems.